at the Sign of the Hygra
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London E8 4BL
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email: boxes@hygra.com |
Antique Boxes in English Society
1760 -1900
Writing Boxes |
A Captains Box with elaborate secret drawers and
compartments Circa 1800 |
A Brass bound mahogany Captains writing box with secret
compartments and drawers.
The box has an adjustable mechanism to enable it to be used
as a reading stand, as here.
Military style. good quality brass bindings, facings, countersunk handles,
and edgings.
Here the box is in the reading stand position: a sort of lectern.
Dimensions: 22" wide 11.5 deep 7.75"high (closed).
The pictures can be supersized by cliccking on them.
The brass is structural and fastened to the box with iron screws.
The handles are strong enough to lift the box.
This is the image of the Military type brass bound Captains box.
The locks work and have their keys.
Captain's boxes are rare and no two are the same. It is interesting
to compare the features.
of writing boxes
current list of available writing boxes. |

A Captains Box with secret drawers and compartments and accessories for dressing Circa 1800

WB475: Important rare brass bound solid mahogany ship captain's campaign writing box with complex secret drawers and compartments including a false bottom. The box retains its original green felt writing surface, pounce and inkwell. The box also has a screw down mechanism enabling it be attached to a table. There is also a reading stand which is attached to the top surface when the box is held at an angle with an adjustable hinged brass catch. Circa 1800.
An Early 19th C solid mahogany Captains writing box with elaborate secret compartments screw-down mechanism and historical associations

An Early 19th Century Captains Box with elaborate secret drawers and compartments Fitted with dressing accessories By George Palmer London
There are also other good quality writing boxes made in
the military style but without the screw-down mechanism. |

A Georgian Mahogany Triple Opening brass bound Writing Box circa 1815

Georgian Mahogany Triple Opening brass bound Writing Box circa 1810 with original inkwells and secret drawers.
Close up showing both the brass bindings. The brass is secured with
steel/iron screws. These were clearly flattened when first put
The key is used to tighten the screws for fixing the box
current list of available writing boxes.
There is a lift out lockable box under the writing flap. The first
set of secret drawers are hidden behind a panel in front of the
compartment for ink and pens.
The box has its original inkwell.
The sprung panel concealing the secret drawers is released by
pressing on one of the "screws" in the brass facing.
The countersunk handle is similar to one on a printing box which
has been featured in Antique
Boxes, Tea Caddies, and Society -- 1700-1880 see figure. 481

The box has a false bottom which is released by inserting a sharp
object into a small hole as in picture on left. The second hole
which can be seen in the picture is used to release a panel which is
under the second flap.
There are another two drawers under the panel and hidden behind
another panel. This is released by pressing the wood at the side of
the box.
One of these draws is designed to hold sovereigns
and half-sovereigns.
Most unusually there are secret compartments in the upper part. A
thin instrument is pushed through the hole above to release the
covering panel.
The long piece of wood is the reading stand.
of writing boxes
current list of available writing boxes.