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Antique Boxes in English Society
1760 -1900
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An Anglo Indian Vizagapatam radiating
black buffalo horn of dramatic curved shape Circa
1820 -45 |
A radiating black buffalo
horn Vizagapatam antique fitted sewing box of dramatic curved
shape standing on turned horn feet having a lift out horn edged
sandalwood tray with three further radiating horn lids.
Working lock and key
Circa 1820 -45
It measures inches wide by
inches deep and it is inches high including feet:
cm wide by cm deep by cm
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Anglo Indian
Sewing Boxes
The form of this box is
characteristic of the architectural shapes of early Regency.
Although, in Anglo Indian boxes the early 19th century shapes
continued, the complexity and quality of this piece points to an
early date
For comparison see:

Boxes, Tea Caddies, and Society -- 1700--1880, ISBN:
0764316885 Antigone Clarke & Joseph O'Kelly, A
Schiffer Book for collectors..
The craftsman who made this box has
pushed his materials to the extreme to achieve this dramatic
shape. The radiating horn top is surmounted by a turned and carved
There has been some cracking of
the horn in the curved sections at the front and one side. This is
visible in the enlargement of this image.
Side view showing the strong period
The inside has a sandalwood tray
with horn edges and three radiating horn lids.
There is a further compartment in
the lid.
See Antique Boxes Tea Caddies Society
See: Furniture from British India and Ceylon Amin Jaffir
See: Luxury Goods from India: The Art of the Indian Cabinet-maker Amin Jaffer 2002
Other Anglo Indian boxes:
Below are some Anglo-Indian- boxes I have
documented on our site. It is becoming increasingly hard to find examples which
have survived with their integrity

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