at the Sign of the Hygra
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London E8 4BL
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email: boxes@hygra.com |
Antique Boxes in English Society
1760 -1900
Writing Boxes |
Hygra: A Georgian Mahogany Triple Opening
Writing Box circa 1810. |
A Georgian Mahogany Triple Opening
brass bound Writing Box circa 1810 with original inkwells and secret
The box has the original lock
and a working key.
It also has an upright back with a
letter pocket and individual pockets
The box is 19.9 inches long 10.3 wide and 6.75 tall (when
Click on the images to enlarge.
The brass is secured with steel/iron
screws. These were clearly flattened when first put in.
The corner jointing is mitered blind dovetail. The brass would hold
this together even if the glue became damp. These boxes were designed
to survive very difficult circumstances. The brass side handles
are now countersunk.
The upper part of the box provides
some privacy if writing with someone facing. The writing tablet is a
tooled leather replacement. Originally it would probably have been
green felt. The upper flap is an early simple form. The reminder
pockets which can be seen in the next picture were sometimes on this
The Sheffield plate toped inkwells
are contemporary and original.
In the centre is a curved pen tray.
The red leather on the upper part is
original. It still caries the marks of an ink accident!
The upper part has reminder
pockets Sometimes, probably a little later, these have the days of the
week embossed on them. See: http://www.hygra.com/e/arm.htm
There are three secret drawers hidden
behind a panel. released by pressing the wood of the box in a certain
This being an early 19th century box
much of the wood inside has not been varnished or polished.
The springy piece of wood used to
hold the panel is just visible.
The secret drawers have dovetail
construction with blind dovetails to the front.
These drawers are in structure and
look very similar to the ones in: http://www.hygra.com/wb/captain.htm
Below the writing tablet there are
a compartments for holding papers.
The hatched pattern shows the
marks of earlier tapes.