at the Sign of the Hygra
2 Middleton Road
London E8 4BL
Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7254 7074
email: boxes@hygra.com |
Antique Boxes in English Society
1760 -1900
Tea Caddies and Tea
Octagonal Tea Caddy With Prince of Wales Feathers Inlay,
Circa 1790. |
A well patinated
satin-birch caddy inlaid with a fine rendition of the Prince of Wales
feathers above a crown. The design is sharply defined and subtly shaded
on a background of green.
4.5" wide.
Circa 1790.
Note the fine stringing and cross banding in kingwood. The pattern
is skillfully shaded and engraved giving the design a three
dimensional quality.
Interior with original lid and leading. The wear of the
original finish near the handle shows that this caddy was really used. |
Front view. The escutcheon is placed so as to be part of
the patera design. The stringings cross bandings and shading are fine
and skillfully executed. The surface is slightly and gracefully faded. |

Detail of interior.