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Antique Boxes in English Society
1760 -1900
Tea Caddies and Tea
Penwork Tea Caddy With Classical Scene, Circa 1815. |
Tea caddy decorated with a repetitive design of
stylized foliage enclosing anthemia, the sides with acanthus leaves and
seed heads. The center of the top depicts an ever young Bacchus and a
Bacchante, riding on a chariot.
The caddy, which demonstrates an accurate understanding of the ancient
myth, dates characteristically from the time of the English bon
viveur, the Regency.
11.5” wide.
Circa 1810-20.
This particular composition refers to the
expedition of Bacchus to the East, when he headed an army of men and women
inspired with divine fury. They were armed with thyrsi and musical
instruments. Note the thyrsus resting on the chariot and the tambourine
held by the Bacchante. On this expedition, the Bacchic chariot was drawn
by a lion and a tiger, as on the picture. Accompanied by Pan, Silenus and
Satyrs, Bacchus conquered without bloodshed, as the people joyfully
embraced his cult of the pleasures of life and accepted him as a God.
Worship of Bacchus spread from Egypt to Greece and Rome. His main
attribute, that of a wine Godhead, is symbolized on this box by the vine
bush sprouting from the ground, the basket of grapes and the wine amphora.
Front and side. |
Corner detail showing several classical motifs. The treatment of
the acanthus on the sides is particularly robust.
Inside view. The lids are convex and the acanthus follow
the shape. The paper is original. The bowl is not original. It is hand
blown in the traditional way. |
Detail showing the curved lid and the bowl surround.
Original leaded interior. |