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Antique Boxes in English Society
1760 -1900
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A Rosewood Writing Box Decorated
with Inlaid Brass Circa 1825. |
A Rosewood writing box decorated
with inlaid brass Circa 1825.
The box features:
Fluid brass inlay in a running pattern
depicting floral motifs.
Compartments for paper under the
Original embossed leather writing
Period inkwell.
Countersunk brass handles.
Working lock and key.
Dimensions: 13.9" wide 9.1 deep
4.4"high (closed).
35.4cm wide 23cm deep 11.2cm high
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Detail of the brass inlay in the
top. The inlay is executed with vigor and precision.
Detail of the complex escutcheon.
The box has a working lock and key.
Detail: Countersunk brass handles
which are fixed with iron screws.
The writing tablet is the original
leather and embossed all round with gold tooling and framed with a
crossbanding of rosewood.
Detail of the elaborate gold tooling
and crossbanding. which contrasts with the darker rosewood used for
the facing. The single bead which has been run in the facing gives a
lighter look.
Under the flaps are compartments
for storing paper.
The inside wood is unvarnished at
this date.
The flaps are structurally made
with three pieces of wood. The veneer at this date is saw cut,
thick, and is structural. The structural wood is chosen for its
stability. The veneers are picked for beauty, surface resilience,
and stability.
There is a lidded compartment for pens.
The box has a period inkwell.
The composition of the top.
The inlay design has the symmetry
and control of neoclassicism but also the reference to natural
beautifully grained wood contrasted
with impeccable brass inlay: Regency Bulh (Boulle).