Antique Boxes at the Sign of the Hygra
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Thomas Woolfield evolved into W.B. Promoli.

I found this advertisement on the right in a book published by the London and Birmingham Railway Company  in 1839.

"All kinds of Instruments for fitting up Work Boxes and Dressing Cases. Visitors and Strangers in Liverpool, and the Public in general, are respectfully invited to visit this unique Establishment, whether as purchasers or parties in search of amusement ; the whole of the stock (certainly one of the largest and most varied in England) being conveniently arranged for their inspection, and the price plainly marked on each article, from which no deductions are made, nor credit given. Every article warranted perfect, and the quality fairly and honourably stated; the object being to establish a Concern where the public may purchase with such confidence and economy, as to insure their future favour and support. W. B. Promoli begs to assure the Public, that the great and unprecedented patronage bestowed upon his Predecessor, Thomas Woolfield, will incite him to persevere in selecting, both from Loudon and the Continent, such articles of taste and novelty as are likely to be pleasing to an extensive connexion, and to maintain an Establishment in Liverpool decidedly superior to any other single concern in London or the Empire, the choice of goods being greater, their quality the best, and the prices extremely moderate. Fixed Cash Prices. — No Abatement nor Credit given."



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