at the Sign of the Hygra
2 Middleton Road
London E8 4BL
Tel: 00 44 (0)20 7254 7074
email: boxes@hygra.com |
Antique Boxes in English Society
1760 -1900
Sewing Boxes |
Antique Coromandel Fully fitted Sewing
Box with Mother of Pearl Inlay, Circa 1840. |
An superb fully fitted shaped early Victorian coromandel sewing
box with fine inlay of engraved mother of pearl and white
metal, having turned drop handles and standing on turned and carved
feet. The inside having mother of pearl spools and sewing tools
including tape measure and waxer. Circa 1840.
It measures: 12.1" wide by 8.6" and 7"
tall (including feet).
This Image can be enlarged
by clicking on it. |
Detail showing the carefully structured top which combines
concave forms and moldings to give a robust and yet elegant
architectural quality to the shape of the box. |
Detail showing the turned loop and ring handles and
turned and carved feet. Also the base which gives added strength to the
composition. |
Front view which shows the inlaid design which although arranged
for balance is not totally symmetrical. It also tends towards
a fluid interpretation of natural forms without abandoning control
of composition.
This image can be enlarged
by clicking on it.  |
End view showing the handle construction and the color and
figure of the wood. |
Detail showing the top.
Detail showing the movement in the design.
Inside the box is a treat. The original red water silk is
almost in perfect condition. The paper is also remarkably clean.
The spools have finely turned and carved tops in mother of pearl.
The silk framed mirror is an unusual feature. This part folds down
into an envelope.
This image can be enlarged
by clicking on it. |
Spools and tools.
Central part.
The tray lifts out to reveal a space for needle work.
The lineing paper is all original.